Feature 1 Manufacturer Award of the Year for 2014
Feature 2 Best Innovation Award at the 2009 BIA Melbourne Boat Show
Feature 3 "Super High Holding Power Anchor" See Anchor Testing
Feature 4 SARCA Certification for product safety and standard
Feature 4 Made in Australia and patented for worldwide distribution

Stabicraft wins contract to supply boats for patrolling Australian waters

Stabicraft Contract

This contract was not won on price only, Stabicraft boats built in Invercargill New Zealand offer ruggedness, handling and many other stand out features including Australian made Sarca anchors and matching sturdy bow rollers, as the Stabicrafts will be deployed throughout the rugged coast line in Australia they wanted a reliable anchoring system to match the performance of their boats to not only handle some of the roughest conditions but to be able to anchor successfully in the many different types of sea beds the Australian coasts have to offer.

Anchor Right Australia’s products made the grade.

Stabicraft Contract

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