“I am writing in reference to the performance of the SARCA boat anchors. I own a fishing vessel and when loaded weighs around 86 ton, the vessel is called Pegasus and has an all steel hull.
Pegasus is a shark fishing boat, all of our work is done in Bass Strait and anyone who knows the area where we fish for shark will tell you that this particular area of ocean has some of the most dangerous seas in the world. A lot of our work is done in Banks Strait where currents sometimes run up to 5 knots, entire fleets of nets have been rolled up and swept away sometimes up to 5 miles.
Most experienced skippers do not go to sleep, they stay upstairs in the wheel house and keep semi awake when at anchorage, even with fair weather you will always have a roll and a swell in Bass Strait. Most of our conventional type anchors in these conditions will drag more so in the soft sand or mud, I can assure the reader we have tried them all, that is until we trailed SARCA.
The SARCA anchor that I have on Pegasus is a number eleven and weighs approximately 65 kg. We tested this anchor in sand, rock, mud, gravel, wind, currents and huge seas, the boat just doesn’t move, SARCA’s holding power regardless of where we deploy it is just amazing, believe me it is a wonderful feeling at night with strong wind and rain knowing that you can depend on your anchor, you then know that there is a lot less chance of the boat drifting and ending up on rocks.
A noticeable turn around in efficiency and lost time has also resulted from using the SARCA, mainly because we’re not having to continually re anchor to stay over the fish, I fully recommend and endorse SARCA anchors as the best form of safe anchorage you could possibly wish for.”
Joe Stevens
Shannon Court P.T.Y. LTD