Feature 1 Manufacturer Award of the Year for 2014
Feature 2 Best Innovation Award at the 2009 BIA Melbourne Boat Show
Feature 3 "Super High Holding Power Anchor" See Anchor Testing
Feature 4 SARCA Certification for product safety and standard
Feature 4 Made in Australia and patented for worldwide distribution

Anchors – Must Have Shockles

Ever worried about your Cat on a mooring or at anchor? Being a perrennial worry wart I wanted life on a swing mooring to be easier for my Cat. Research started on Snubbers, something to shock absorb the anchoring forces from the mooring. There’s quite a few around, but not a lot in Australia.

It was in a round about way froma comment someone wrote on a forum I heard about Shockles.

They are super bungy straps, which have been designed for a purpose and not a simple bungy strap adapted to a purpose. Cruising the website there is a TON of information, videos and suggested usage for the shockles. I asked a few questions by email and corresponded with the companies owner Eric, and he was very helpful.

OK time to take the plunge! I ordered 4x 24? F3 shockles. 2 for my mooring line and one for each side of my anchoring bridle.Having watched the shockles work on the mooring and having used the bridle several times at anchor now my verdict?


Two 24″ F3 Shockles doing their stuff on my 40ft Cat Mooring.

The are FANTASTIC, the build quality is excellent and they work! On the website you will see a multitude of uses on any boat and I am now a shockle addict. I want one on my preventer, I have bought the fender versions and I can see a million uses for others on board. Because of the exchange rate the prices were OK but the freight always adds unwanted costs fro the US.

However they are quality products and should last a long time, get some….www.shockles.com

January 17, 2010 by Saltydude

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