Anchor Right’s new Canadian Distributor
Ground Tackle Marine liked the Excel anchor so much, they decided to sell it. Anchor Right Australia has announced it is now exporting to Canada and North America […]
Ground Tackle Marine liked the Excel anchor so much, they decided to sell it. Anchor Right Australia has announced it is now exporting to Canada and North America […]
Recent testing of the new generation anchors in the U.S. has proved once again that when choosing a boat- anchor, you cannot go past Anchor Right Australia’s ground […]
When your anchor presents itself onto your bow roller upside down it can be a real problem, they can damage your boats structure and also jam in this position, the […]
Impressive to see the classic Sarca on recently built work boats in New Zealand, even more impressive is, even though the Sarca was released years before the new […]
Some twenty five years ago Rex whilst boating with his family sitting on anchor it unexpectantly dragged, this was due to its unsuitability for the […]
Texas T, This large boat has a history of dragging its ground tackle (anchors) recently after being taken over by a skipper from Queensland he turned to Anchor Right to […]
There is a world of new anchor technology streaming onto the market, some of this technology has created much controversy over the past three years by competitors […]
The P.R.T. was initially designed for emergency services such as Police, SES and the like, therefor had to be made to a standard using correct steel grades;this helps prevent […]
For Super High Holding Power certification the (NMSC) National Marine Safety Committee of Australia authorized Roberson’s to perform the field and proof testing […]
Roy Whitewood has been building these stand out boat designs in Queensland Australia since 1999, growing demand for his unique designs in the commercial industry […]
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